100 give 100

Checks can be mailed to Treasurer, Friends of Raintree, PO Box 223, Lawrence, KS 66044
Today we are announcing a campaign called 100 give 100, and we are hoping that we can find 100 people whose lives have been touched by Raintree to donate 100 each. Now, if you are quick at math, you might believe that we would raise $10,000 from this campaign, but…here’s where the good news comes in. The board sought to find some donors to provide matching funds for this campaign. I’m also thrilled to say that our board secured 10,000 in matching funds for our 100 give 100 campaign.
We are pleased to be able to share our progress with the thermometer at the left (just click on it to dismiss) We will be updating it weekly from now through the end of this campaign. Will you help us hit our goal?
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Once you have finished filling out your form, please complete your transaction by filling out the form at the bottom of the page with your selected amount. Thank you!
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